2020 Curve Ball Recap

One may not think you could watch live turtle races, get wine from a bicycle and mine for one carat diamonds, but that’s just another night at the Curve Ball. On Saturday February 29th, over 350 guests gathered at the Hyatt to raise money for the Cerney family and our partner charities. It was successful in so many ways!

Guests were greeted with a glass of champagne from a very special smiling costume table. Talk about experiencing a unique curve ball before the first inning even started.

One of our most unique attractions this year was the Diamond Mine, sponsored by Razny Jewelers. A few board members built the structure by hand – the things we do for diamonds. Steps away from the mine was the ever so popular Vodka Luge, sponsored by Hawthorne Race Course. A refreshing and interactive martini to start the night was just what we needed.

We know our guests like to enjoy a few drinks which is why we curated curve balls that solved just that. What’s that zooming by? Oh just a beer vendor on a segway and a man riding a bike that pours wine from the top – we’re just all about efficiency at OFTK. Cue another curve ball. Acrobats, because why not?

We also love to encourage some friendly competition so we invited a few turtles to the party. Throughout the night, there were crowds gathered around to watch live turtle races. Slow and steady wins the race.

Bob Lanigan and our guest emcee, Cheryl Scott took the stage to address the reason why we were all gathered together. After watching the amazing video about Gavin’s story, we opened it up for donation opportunities. In less than 10 minutes we raised over $40K which is the most we’ve ever raised during that part of the program. JP & The Cats took over and had everyone dancing up a storm. We are so grateful for your support!

Thank you to all of our sponsors, donors and supporters who truly made this night a success for the Cerney family and our partner charities!