28th Annual Golf Outing

On August 14th, the sun was shining, the (personal) coolers were being filled with beer and ‘one for the kids’ masks were spotted near and far. The 28th annual outing was in full swing!

Co-chairman, Bob Lanigan began the morning by introducing our partner charities, Advocate Children’s Heart Institute and Special Olympics. We were also lucky enough to have Johnny Vincent to kick off the shotgun start with a wonderful rendition of God Bless America.

This year has been filled with a lot of uncertainty and trying to find ways to navigate in our socially distant lives so we wanted to make sure everyone felt as safe as possible while attending our outing. The reason behind all of this is making an even bigger difference for children in the chicagoland area. Doctors, nurses, patients and the special olympians need our support more than ever so we appreciate your support and commitment to the cause!

We love to make the event bigger and better each year with different themed holes around the course. While this year’s themes weren’t as “interactive” they still provided a fun and safe stop for all gofers to enjoy.

First up – a nice game of Flip Cup where some golfers showed off those college glory days. Afterwards, you hopped in your cart and headed on over to the next hole where you could sip on a refreshing root beer shot and play a game of cornhole with your clubs and golf ball.

The Caddyshack hole made our veteran golfers feel right at home with the ever so talented McMurrays on the trombones playing the Bears Fight song right when you came to tee off.

Looking for a fun and colorful hotspot with all of the alcohol and snacks you can imagine? The Pelican Harry’s Sports Grill hole is it. Thanks to our lovely volunteers who made this happen!

Our junior board, Not Your Father’s Foundation, a One for the Kids charity, put their best foot forward with a new addition to the themes this year. Welcome to “Race to an Ace” where you could hear the roars or participants riding up to the hole. A fun and entertaining theme and we wouldn’t expect any differently from this awesome crew.

Another fun stop was The Forge Slackline Challenge where you could grab a cold drink and learn more about all of the adventures they have to offer. Check it out.

A special thank you to all of our sponsors. We appreciate your continued support!

Lastly, thank you to our golf outing chairs, Bob Lanigan, Tom Doyle and Kevin Kickels for coordinating such an amazing event. A “hole in one” once again. As always, Old Oak Country Club has been great to us for all of these years! Cheers!